• Parameters

    • ownerPair: IKeyringPair
    • ipfsClient: TernoaIPFS

      A TernoaIPFS instance.

    • keys: PGPKeysType

      Public and Private keys used to encrypt the file.

    • nftFile: File

      File to upload as the preview of the Capsule NFT.

    • nftMetadata: NftMetadataType

      The NFT preview metadata (Title, Description).

    • encryptedMedia: CapsuleMedia[]

      The array containing all the Capsule NFT encrypted media.

    • Optional capsuleMetadata: Partial<NftMetadataType>

      (Optional) The Capusle NFT public metadata (Title, Description...).

    • clusterId: number = 0

      The TEE Cluster id. Default is 0

    • capsuleRoyalty: number = 0

      Percentage of all second sales that the capsule creator will receive. Default is 0%. It's a decimal number in range [0, 100].

    • capsuleCollectionId: undefined | number = undefined

      The collection to which the capsule NFT belongs. Optional Parameter: Default is undefined.

    • isSoulbound: boolean = false

      If true, makes the Capsule intransferable. Default is false.

    • waitUntil: WaitUntil = WaitUntil.BlockInclusion

      Execution trigger that can be set either to BlockInclusion or BlockFinalization. Default is BlockInclusion.

    Returns Promise<{
        clusterResponse: TeeSharesStoreType[];
        event: CapsuleNFTData<NftData>;

    A JSON including both capsuleEvent & TEE enclave response (shards datas and description).




    Create a Capsule NFT and uploads your key's shards on a TEE.

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