Function secretNftEncryptAndUploadFile

  • Parameters

    • file: File

      File to encrypt and then upload on IPFS.

    • publicPGPKey: string

      Public Key to encrypt the file.

    • ipfsClient: TernoaIPFS

      A TernoaIPFS instance.

    • Optional nftMetadata: Partial<NftMetadataType>

      Optional secret NFT metadata (Title, Description, (...)) here.

    • Optional mediaMetadata: MediaMetadataType

      Optional asset NFT metadata (Name, Description, (...)) here.

    Returns Promise<IpfsAddDataResponseType>

    The data object with the secret NFT IPFS hash (ex: to add as offchain secret metadatas in the extrinsic).




    Encrypts and uploads a file on an IFPS gateway.

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