Function formatMarketplaceFee

  • Parameters

    • action: "Noop" | "Remove" | "set"

      The type of Action. Can be either "Noop" (No Operation: to keep it as it is), "Remove" or "set".

    • Optional feeType: "percentage" | "flat"

      The type of fee. Can be either "percentage" or "flat",

    • Optional value: number

      The value of the fee. If type is 'Percentage' value refers to a decimal number in range [0, 100]. If type is 'Flat' value refers to a balance amount in a number. Default is 0.

    Returns CommissionFeeType

    An object representing either the marketplace commission or listing fee.




    Returns an object representing either the marketplace commission or listing fee in either in Flat or Percentage format.

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